Job Well Done 👍

“It will hurt. It will take time. It will require dedication. It will require willpower. You will need to make healthy decisions. It requires sacrifice. You will need to push your body to it’s max. There will be temptation. But, I promise you, when you reach your goal, it’s WORTH IT!” – Unknown

Third. It’s my third week here at Optimize Inc. and I must say that I got the hang of most of the task assigned to us by most of the employee’s. Before it takes 2 more hours for me to finish a specific task but now I can finish it within an hour. Specially the Social Media Commenting assigned by Sir Evian which interests me more because it’s more on social media interactions and it’s obviously what most people are addicted to (just stating the obvious 😅). We were also told to create another account for Pinterest and I chose my girl dummy account because I suck at pretending to be a guy although I’m into sports and other guy stuff but still I’m more comfortable being me. Lol. We also received our first salary and I got to spend it with my weird cravings which happens to be my greatest weakness. My tummy 😂😂😂. It’s very fulfilling knowing that my efforts are rewarded.

We have various tasks this week but I spent most of my time on Call Rail Notes. “Call Rail is LIFE”, just like what my co-trainee, Tin says. I finished jotting down notes for the month of October but I still have 230+ more calls for the month of November. I’m getting stressed by it because we only have a month to finish it all and we have to document the progress of each month and report it to Miss Ven after the year ends. I just hope that I’ll finish it the soonest before the expected deadline 😪😪😪. Wish us luck! 🙏

By the way we received a good feedback from Miss Ven because we did great with the Blog Posting. Her praises was like heaven for us 😇, I don’t why but it’s really satisfying being praised by her, though it’s not actually praises just a small feedback but at least it motivates me to do my best for every task that I will do for the rest of my stay here at OptimizeX.

Hopefully will receive more! See you again next week 😘

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